Links, 17jun2021

The Terrestrial Status of Boston, via BLDGBLOG.

Animals weighing themselves are Japan’s newest line of strangely relatable capsule toys figures, via SoraNews24.

Looking forward to this: Peter Jackson’s ‘The Beatles: Get Back” Six-Hour Doc Set For Disney+, via Deadline.

A phenomenal resource: Making Comics S2021, via Nick Sousanis.

One of my favorite films - a most welcome addition to the Blu library.

An hour later, the neighbor is still using his leaf blower.

Status, 17jun2021

Good morning; it’s currently 57°F under sunny skies and, since +/- 0740, the neighbor is using his leaf blower.

Post-release hangover continues. I never do well after I put something into the world (even if it does, comparatively, well). If I allow it - it being that lack of control, that void, that need to find some glimmer in the vacuum - and its attendant fuckeries take root, I fall into one of the depressive spirals, as I did following the release of re/e0003. Trying to avoid that; as ever, The Work is the way out.

(‘Tis good to be back to my writing, after days of pod-ery.)

In other news, made it past Chapter 9, “The Rescue,” in YAKUZA KIWAMI: took four days to make it through that car shoot-out. Putting that aside, Imstill adore the series. One of my favorites.

The day awaits.


Status, 16jun2021

Good morning; it’s currently 55°F under sunny skies.

Ep0005 of The Socialized Recluse, featuring my conversation with author Christina Rice, is now live. Had a fantastic time both researching her work before our chat and chatting with her about all sorts of things. Her latest, MEAN… MOODY…MAGNIFICENT!: JANE RUSSELL AND THE MARKETING OF A HOLLYWOOD LEGEND, is now available and, like all of her work, is a must-read.

Now that TSR0005 is complete, all files have been archived and notes for the next episode have been pushed to the Working bin. Projects have been re-prioritized, and I’m (more than) ready to return to The Work tomorrow morning. Pleased with where things are, ATM - new stuff combined with old stuff giving old stuff new life. Synthesis FTW.

Medical waiting room accompaniment this afternoon. Don’t mind it when I’m the patient (it’s a break for me, then, really), but my capacity for being a sympa-empathetic bit of company is, after eight years of waiting room accompaniment for any number of family members, non-existent.

The day awaits. And do have a listen to my chat with Christina; I’m proud of it.

New: author Christina Rice joins me on THE SOCIALIZED RECLUSE to discuss her latest, MEAN… MOODY… MAGNIFICENT!: JANE RUSSELL AND THE MARKETING OF A HOLLYWOOD LEGEND, as well as Ann Dvorak, ponies, classic film, GNR, final meals, life, and so much more.

Status update: performed in-lawn duties with nary a blood sugar crash in sight. Neener neener hypoglycemi-er.

The Jorkie, safely ensconced in her Kirby-proof fortress.

Status, 15jun2021

Good morning; it’s currently 61°F under sunny skies.

Another morning with the pod, one more until release. Having gone a bit feral without book work, I’m looking forward to returning to actual writing, these multiple writing mornings given to pod-needs being a product not of time mismanagement or difficulty in pod-assembly but rather of the timesuck realities of dawn to dusk summer break, which is, while unflinchingly summer, anything but a break.

In-lawn again today plus bladed weedeater - though hopefully minus the crash.

Links, 14jun2021

Booze made from wood coming soon in Japan, via SoraNews24 -Japan News.

Most excited by news of a sequel to A PLAGUE TALE: We Recap The Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase From E3 2021, via Bleeding Cool.

This wild concept car snaps together like Ikea furniture, via Fast Company.

Shadow Creator Walter Gibson’s 1951 Rocket to the Moon Comic Book, via Bleeding Cool.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde (1913), via The Internet Archive.

Completed my Leone collection upgrade: Blu is a good color on Sergio.

Kirby v. Strange Gecko-Moose Creature.

Status, 14jun2021

Good morning; it’s currently 67°F under sunny skies.

Next SOCIALIZED RECLUSE intro and conclusion recorded + episode assembled. Now for the nip, the tuck, the gain, the fade, and whatever other aural accoutrements it might require. Getting quicker with these - used to take two weeks from interview to pub, now I’m down to +/- one - in spite of less time to do so (guess THE GROUND LOOP retains its existential purpose). Final edits on Wednesday morning to write the post and include chapters, etc before Wednesday AM launch.

Finished a rewatch of Leone’s FISTFUL OF DOLLARS: still love the film, still hate the screaming kid.

The beasts require sustenance. On with the day.


Reviewed: THE SILENCE, by Don DeLillo

Sparse and spare - a DeLillo primer: a worthwhile taste - in spite of the off-putting typography which reminded me of a gift book - of a singular body of work (though I still recommend everyone read THE BODY ARTIST or the prologue to UNDERWORLD for the best introduction to DeLillo’s work). Continually amazed by his ability to mine the smallest minutae from the largest moments - an ability profoundly on display here - and, in so doing, reveal a humanity both our own and not. Recommended.


Set up TweetDelete to automatically delete tweets older than 30 days every few days. This space is now a comfy thoughtspace and a useful archive.


Am dog.

Status, 13jun2021

Storm clouds gathered and passed - but at least it delayed the sunrise a bit. I’m nothing if not a nocturnal creature even though I’m in bed by 2200, the early morning worktime giving me an approximation of working at night, when, as President Obama once said, the world seems much smaller.

Blood sugar seems to have stabilized and I’m feeling the best I’ve felt in months - even after a hypoglycemic crash while mowing the in-lawn yesterday. Amazing what a seven-fold increase in water intake and a good night of sleep can do. (Repeating: duly filed under “no shit.")

Back to using Bear for these pieces: writing more at Micro and Bear infinitely more cooperative with Links posting / capture. Plus, it’s nice to have these smaller things worked in their own, pretty space. Planning to include reviews here too, as their own thing, when they come to me.

Speaking of: removed all non-creative projects (read: family and life shit) from the Sanctum’s project board: it is my space, free from the guilt that seeing those fucking cards instills while I’m toiling away at my thankless calling.

Mucking about with another comics idea - another unicorn, yes but - been mucking about with it for awhile and I’ve managed to convince myself that it just might work. Project folder duly added.

Happy Sunday.

PSA from someone finally feeling human: never underestimate the importance of drinking enough water. (Duly filed under “no shit.")

Status, 12jun2021

Yes, I decided to do these again because I like to and they’re called Status because that’s what they are, minus the military connotation of SitRep, so here I am. Just a way to end the morning.

Spent the morning drafiting that T1D piece, a way to see if there’s something there, a diamond in the coal; 2400 words later, there might be.

(Yes, Scott, you were right.)

Shot in the dark: definitely want it to be published somewhere - if I’m going to write about this fucking disease, I’d like to get something out of the experience beyond the general indifference (read: professionally edited and published again) of the void - so if you know of a place or are part of a place that might be interested in publishing what this piece might become – as I have no clue where to take it or what to do beyond write it – shoot me an email, tww(AT)parentheticalrecluse(DOT)com.

If it maintains its current mood and trajectory, it will be angry, brutal, and unflinching against me and I won’t recommend my family read it.

Speaking of: lawncare Saturday at the in-lawn. Let the good times roll.

Also: TSR interview rough cut complete (there is an interview). On track to release next Weds.