Yes, I decided to do these again because I like to and they’re called Status because that’s what they are, minus the military connotation of SitRep, so here I am. Just a way to end the morning.

Spent the morning drafiting that T1D piece, a way to see if there’s something there, a diamond in the coal; 2400 words later, there might be.

(Yes, Scott, you were right.)

Shot in the dark: definitely want it to be published somewhere - if I’m going to write about this fucking disease, I’d like to get something out of the experience beyond the general indifference (read: professionally edited and published again) of the void - so if you know of a place or are part of a place that might be interested in publishing what this piece might become – as I have no clue where to take it or what to do beyond write it – shoot me an email, tww(AT)parentheticalrecluse(DOT)com.

If it maintains its current mood and trajectory, it will be angry, brutal, and unflinching against me and I won’t recommend my family read it.

Speaking of: lawncare Saturday at the in-lawn. Let the good times roll.

Also: TSR interview rough cut complete (there is an interview). On track to release next Weds.