notebook / @tww


The dog-children, in their natural habitat.

Fiddling around with the Apple Pencil and the iPad: a big no to handwriting posts (my handwriting is, as in life, not compatible) but a big, unequivocal yes to podcast editing via Ferrite. Worth it for that alone.


I’ve been doing the family balancing-act gig since my early double digits and I can say, beyond a doubt, that this shit is getting old.

Meanwhile, on THE GROUND LOOP: building creative homes, evolution, experimenting, and fucking up – this week’s randomly selected and frequently-asked question that I’ve never been asked: “What the hell is he building in there?”

Morning forearm exercises via butter and cast iron skillet.

It rained.

Status page duly updated to feature new stuff which I’m only calling new stuff because I can’t come up with a better phrase right now, postprandial food coma being what it is and all etc etc.

The pathological need to mow tiny lawns with large riding lawnmowers is one that I’ll never understand.

EarBliss: OJOS DE GATO, by Giovanni Guidi.

Good memories.

(Also) reading:

Because a sanctum without a dog bed in your long-retired drumset isn’t a sanctum at all.

Proof of Existence, 05-10jul2021

Appears that these Informalities have found their way to being the digital, blathering omega to the alpha of the early AM, handwritten journal (similarly possessed of blather, but private-and-illegible-like). Plus my wife said she enjoyed them (The Informalities) back when I did them in the days of yore, the “funny ones,” in particular.

Since I’ve only returned (for real this time) to the daily grind here, a scant few efforts, and one cheat in this Sunday thing, for this week at least:

Notes from a week of iPadWork (still using it, still loving it), at Parenthetical Recluse, when I thought that these weekly but oops (04jul2021)

THE GROUND LOOP, Ep0010 - “Why do you write?" (07jul2021)

And I am, mostly (10jul2021), the daily return.

That’s that for this week. One final plug for my new Ko-Fi page because why not. The day awaits; see you tomorrow.

A most excellent mail day.

And I am, mostly


Main, deep work done for the day – finally some light peeking through on the novella. Planning to reveal the title in this month’s MacroParentheticals dispatch (normal sign-up processes have been resumed).

Will go deeper into the current posting schema and etc on THE GROUND LOOP next week, but, short version: TGL has replaced weekly Informalities at Parenthetical Recluse… Macro remains monthly, and these daily Informalities have returned to replace – or at least , as they always have, the vast majority of my social media existence.

Ko-Fi still a burgeoning little component of my online self, but I do like where it’s going. Nips and tucks and figurings abound; if I rake in $20 a year, I’ll be thrilled.

Reading (halfway through Rushdie’s JOSEPH ANTON and all I want to do now is play Super Mario World with Salman Rushdie), running, and the in-lawn await. Chainsaws and such.

News: Tip Jar Launch / Etc Etc

Long in the brainworks, but: I’ve decided that it’s time to – if not charge directly for my work, then at least give an option for readers to show their enjoyment or appreciation of what I hurl into the world via a tip jar.

(“Tip Jar” terminology itself beingstill in flux (suggestions welcome); note, that I use ko-fi - - for the main portal for this but am using Squarespace’s button option and the link to create my own text (and not pay $6 a month to change it from something about caffeine via Ko-Fi’s gold program). Like I said, suggestions welcome.

Had considered membership but, because of my method of working – read:  things come out when they come out and only when I decide they’re ready – I’ve decided that the tip jar is the best way for me to work.

(Cheers for the new perspective, my friend.)

As of right now, I’m including the Tip Jar button only on certain pages (doing it this way is a bit more work, but it’s a good way to customize things) like the first short story, DESCANSO, and the latest episode of THE GROUND LOOP.

A nice mental shift to a.) place a minimal monetary value on my work and, b.) bring a little bit of the busker feeling to said work. My Ko-Fi page is very much in progress, but I’ll probably be adding stuff and playing with it - as I am wont to do - until my dying day because that’s the way I roll.

As you were.

Encore: reminders to myself, proving them - and probably myself - wrong, and breathing: this week’s frequently asked question that I’ve never been asked, “Why do you write?”

One of those very pleasant – and very rare – days in which all the threads and loops and dots and plates spun become, with just a small, heretofore unseen adjustment, something new and intriguing.