21-week-old German Shepherd puppy yoga.

It rained; my office didn’t flood (yet). Victory is mine (for the moment).

New, on THE GROUND LOOP: Purpose, breath, depressive episodes, Rilke, Sting, reminders to myself, and more in this week’s attempt to answer another randomly selected and frequently asked question that I’ve never been asked, “Why do you write?"

When I know I’ve taken thirty seconds too long to eat my breakfast.

Dear driver: while I would think that horse shit would be far easier to clean off your car than my running-self entrails, viscera, and blood, it would appear that - judging by your choice of direction - I was mistaken. (P.S. I’m fine; nothing a leap across a ditch and a hearty “fuck you” with both middle fingers couldn’t solve. )


Achievement: unlocked.

Meanwhile, in Informalities… loves, quirks, frustrations, fears, and more: “Notes from a Week of iPadWork.”

Me, at family gatherings.

Important update: I have survived a family gathering.

With my Puppers.


Even in my darkest moments, I never fail to appreciate the irony that my in-laws, the resoundingly religious and big-family cheerleaders, rely on me, the atheist hermit, to do 95% of the work to ensure the continuance of their values.

Frisbee time.

Kirby and friends.

A swim in the sanctum in the rain

Title of this Informality aside, the sanctum, fortunately, did not flood. Victory is mine.

(Though I guess I am back to titles AND the Informality category.)

Seem to have found a rhythm for the morning, this morning, anyhow, consisting of not jamming everything I want to accomplish in my 18-hour day into the first five. Work, a break for breakfast, then back to it until +/- 0930. Then write this thing up and move along with whatever consists of my day – along with continued efforts to make my reading routine a “default activity.”

Wrapped up my part of RE/EMERGENCE0004, recorded it, and sent it off to EJK. Learning the unforseen ins and outs required of recording things on the iPad that aren’t podcast MP3s: how to send large files. (Figured it out, I think). Duly archived, out of mind. Back to the novella tomorrow. The day awaits.

Oh, you know. Watching the rain, towels in hand, to make sure my office doesn’t flood. Update: it has not flooded.

New: Antique malls, challenges, exorcisms, and faith in my own taste collide in this week’s frequently asked question that I’ve never been asked: “What do you look for in a potential project?"

Meanwhile... 30jun2021

First iPad Pro / Ferrite + Audioshare recording went much better than I thought it would. Pretty sure I managed to work out the sound issues plaguing earlier episodes, but we’ll see. Beginning to think my transition away from Audacity and to Ferrite / iPad-podding (iPodding? iCasting? (I miss the iPod)) will go a little more smoothly than I had originally anticipated.

(Plan for the worst, hope for the best, expect some middle cocktail.)

Had hoped to record the fourth RE/EMERGENCE this morning as well – to send off to EJK before I keep pruning it into oblivion – but that’ll have to wait. It’s on its way, EJK - probably by week’s end, if not sooner.

This week’s GROUND LOOP, “What do you look for in a potential project?” is inbound, once I navigate Squarespace’s byzantine posting processes. 15 minutes, give or take.

STAR TREK DISCOVERY is really fucking good. On with the day – and whatever it entails. Or entrails. Whatever.
