Good morning; it’s currently 78ºF under sunny skies.

Thanks to a solid night of sleep, a rarity most welcome, I’m doing much better today. Nearing the end of my work on the fourth re/emergence story; one of those that took on a life of its own once I got out of my way long enough to let it do its thing – another moment of appreciating that I finally hurled DESCANSO into the world, its rhythms no longer blocking my brain.

Recognizing that part of – ok, most of – my problem has been that I spent so long in previous iterations of life and self, working – living – in the spaces between to avoid the conflict that the creative working process can create when mixed with the company and pseudo-parentage of the non– that, when I have the chance to be myself, to be who and what I am, I have little clue how to function and default to a default state of conflict avoidance.

(Get over that shit, I say; I’m working on it, I say.)

Curious iPad bug: it seems that, on occasion, copy/paste doesn’t work, even though it tells me that “iA Writer pasted from Safari” or whatever. Not sure if it’s an iA Writer bug or an iOS bug but there it is.

On with the day.