Better night than last night: at least I slept and, when awakened by Kirby’s cry-piss whines, managed, this time, to go back to sleep after another multitude of unproductive trip to the midnight out-of-doors.
Managed to stop Kirby’s whining by sleeping in the dog-children’s room with them (and yes, they have their own room, my old office) on our dearly departed best good boy’s couch. Relieved that I’ve done yoga for more than a decade: can contort and extricate myself from otherwise uncomfortable and unnatural sleeping positions.
Though my back is anything but happy with me.
Most likely solution: until Kirby gets used to the crate, we’ll get him a smaller one and keep it in our bedroom for nighttime. When I leave for the day’s run, I’ll put him in the big crate in the dog-children’s room. Two birds, one stone, potential for a large miss but equal potential for best impact.
Routine returning to normal, slowly but surely - a new rhythm on its way to discovery.