Wrapped up Rian Hughes’s XX yesterday: still formulating deeper thoughts, not sure if it’ll become a full thing or not but, first impression: undeniably beautiful, undeniably moving, and undeniably overlong – but it didn’t wear out its welcome (though it did come close a few times.)

Back to writing these in the breakfast interregnum between morning workblocks. By the time those are done, my brain is likewise. Still adjusting back to the all-morning return: the postprandial-dinner chunk of the day, the purposeless or available for the purposes of others can be trying, but I know those moments will increase in rarity over the next few months as yardwork/outdoor projects kick into gear.

In my creative practice, I value repeatability and constancy above all else. Let it become habit; tis the season mornings-only are the sole method by which I can achieve this:

“The wisdom of the journeyman is to work one day at a time and he always said that any job even if it took years was made up out of a day’s work. Nothing more. Nothing less. That was hard for me to learn. I always wanted to be finished. In the concept of a day’s work is rhythm and pace and wholeness.” - Cormac McCarthy, The Stonemason

Reminding myself: I wrote my first book, 300 pages, in five months, working mornings-only. Back to work.