
Endorsing bourbon for breakfast.

The final daily running route yard signage report for 03nov2020: out of 92 houses, there are 16 Tumor/Pestilence signs (+/-0) in front of 9 houses (+/-0), and 1 Biden/Harris sign (+/-0) in front of 1 house (+/-0); the entire 125-day archive lives here.

EarBliss, 02nov2020: SKINS N SLIME, by Oliver Coates.

Daily running route yard signage report for 02nov2020: out of 92 houses, there are 16 Tumor/Pestilence signs (+/-0) in front of 9 houses (+/-0), and 1 Biden/Harris sign (+/-0) in front of 1 house (+/-0); 13 hours remain until the 2020 election.

Reading, 02nov2020…

The weekend’s Office / Sanctum re-organization (electoral anxiety edition).

If this explosion in early voting leaves us with one legacy, I hope it’s that it forever re-frames “Election Day” not as “the day you cast your vote” but as the final day of a set period (ideally, from the Tuesday after Labor Day to Election Day) in which to cast your vote.

Update to the update.

Daily running route yard signage report for 01nov2020: out of 92 houses, there are 16 Tumor/Pestilence signs (+/-0) in front of 9 houses (+/-0), and 1 Biden/Harris sign (+/-0) in front of 1 house (+/-0); 1 day and 13 hours remain until the 2020 election.

The 28th issue of my MacroParentheticals newsletter is on its way to inboxes. The week ends, the week begins - and oh, what a week it will be, no matter the outcome.

EarBliss, 31oct2020: HEY CLOCKFACE, by Elvis Costello.

Never again will I underestimate the capacity of Lego pry-tools to serve as useful monitor-risers.

Daily running route yard signage report for 31oct2020: out of 92 houses, there are 16 Tumor/Pestilence signs (+/-0) in front of 9 houses (+/-0), and 1 Biden/Harris sign (+/-0) in front of 1 house (+/-0); 02 days and 13 hours remain until the 2020 election.

Finished Michelle McNamara’s I’LL BE GONE IN THE DARK: an essential piece of crime writing and memoir; the epilogue, “Letter to an Old Man,” is one of the best essays I’ve read - on any subject. That this is the only book we’ll get from her is beyond tragic.


Electoral news that made me smile: according to NYT data, I am, in my little rural conservative zipcode, Biden’s largest campaign contributor. 11 donors, $880. I’ve given just over half of that amount. No wonder I’ve been getting so many campaign emails and texts…

Daily running route yard signage report for 30oct2020: out of 92 houses, there are 16 Tumor/Pestilence signs (+/-0) in front of 9 houses (+/-0), and 1 Biden/Harris sign (+/-0) in front of 1 house (+/-0); 03 days and 13 hours remain until the 2020 election.

Links, 29oct2020

The radical implications of the Supreme Court’s new ruling on Wisconsin mail-in ballots, via Vox.

Voter Registration Websites Are Crashing, Locking Out Would-Be Voters, via The Markup.

Why it has to be Biden, via The Economist.

The Top Five Reasons to Believe That 2020 Won’t Be a 2016 Sequel, via The Atlantic.

Aerosol transmission of Covid-19: A room, a bar and a classroom: how the coronavirus is spread through the air, via El Pais.

A New Platform Maps US Police Violence Against Protesters, via bellingcat.

Annapurna, the most exciting indie publisher around, is making its own games, via The Verge.

Daily running route yard signage report for 29oct2020

No formal daily running route yard signage update today as I draw the line at running outdoors in cold rain. Snowstorm? Sure. Cold rain? No way. And, given that the only sign I saw was the Biden/Harris mug on my desk as I tolerated the elliptical, I could hardly report on the local (sur)reality. Nonetheless, 04 days and 12 hours remain until the 2020 election.


I’m lucky that she loves me in spite of my drawing ability: Baby Yoda doodle for my wife’s birthday. (Happy birthday, love.)

Note: when K first saw my masterpiece, she asked, “Why did you draw me a cheeseburger?”